Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Fernie's First Annual Zombie Walk

Now there was a concept - stage a 'zombie walk', and invite Bubba Tres to provide the music.

Sure, nothing out of the ordinary could happen.....

The posters went up. The flyers went out - including instructions on how to make Zombie blood....

March 20th dawned quiet in the little town of Fernie. Unbeknownst to most, in the basement of the 'Underground' a show was being prepared for. Confetti blowers. LED lighting, more speakers and amplifiers than in the rest of the East Kootenay....

Nine PM rolled by... 'Good Neighbours' from Montreal opened the show with their worthwhile brand of mood music. The bar began to fill up with.... Zombies. first 3, then another 5, then there were 20 - 30 - 40 - 50, and the undead kept arriving... the room was packed....

On the stage there appeared Captain America, Batman, Thor, a Zombie drummer, and Big Bubba himself. With volume the band launched into Peanut Butter Tongue, drove right through Baba O'Riley, Utopia, War Pigs, George Froeman Grill, and about 30 other loud driving dancing songs. All done at '11' on the volume scale.

The Zombies never stopped.

Ok, they did take a break near midnight for the first annual Zombie Walk.

Romour has it they swarmed a van... I watched them walk down the street - right out of the movies.

The undead .... aim for the head - you need to take out the brains, or provide them with great music apparently, as the band brought them back inside for another hour of dancing and loud music.

The collected wisdom said that this was a top - 5 show for Bubba Tres.

If you haven't seen the boys in full flight, I highly recommend the experience.

Next show?????

Wee Fest 2009

Is late better than never? I hope so, as this post certainly is seriously late.

Wee Fest '09 has come and gone. A full house (100 or so people) was on hand for this year's blast, and everyone got a pink construction hat to take home with them after the show.

This Wee Fest was the best yet, with 8 acts, ranging from solo folk acoustic through blues and into electronic duos, and David P. Smith (from Victoria) on his accordion.

Special mention must be made of 'Good Neighbours' a trio from Montreal who were in Fernie skiing the winter away. They used samplers and effects along with an electric guitar and bass, as well as keyboards and melodians to make what I would best describe as wonderfully engrossing mood music. (They opened for Bubba Tres on March 20th - see the next post)

Bubba Tres closed the show with confetti blowers, large balloons, claymation videos, costumes, drunken bunnies, and great music - ending their show by sharing the stage with David P. Smith for a couple of great songs. The audience went home truly satiated by the evening's entertainment.

The Arts Station theater was buried in a thick layer of yellow confetti from the show.

A must see for sure.