Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Canada Day Weekend Report - late

3 shows, 4 days. The fundraiser was somewhat of a letdown, as the fundraising committee may not have done the best job of promoting the event - so a good portion of the money raised came from the tickets the band sold.

Having said that, the band had a good 'practice' - in front of a very small but appreciative audience. The fellows loaded up Steve's truck and Troy's car and headed to Calgary Saturday morning - where they set up for a wedding (private party) show. The afternoon was marked by the hunt for 220 Volt power - which took too long and involved too many people, but was finally accomplished thanks to the hard work of Mike. Set up on the ample-sized stage was a breeze after that.

The night was shared with a rather overly energetic DJ (who, truth be told, did the job she was hired to do - she got people up dancing).

BBT closed the night with a short but well delivered set of all of the requested songs - to a responsive audience of wedding goers.

Sunday began early with the return trip (Troy MC'd the show in Fernie, so he left really early) to Fernie and a set up for the show at the first annual Fernie Fest.

Now that was a festival that may have a future - BBT's show was short and very tight. Feedback from the audience afterwards certainly showed that the guys did a bang up job on stage.

Summer is on now!!!!!

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