Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Roadtrip - Summer 07 tour news

The ambulance is bought. Its been seen around Fernie - including parked behind the stage at the Fernie Fest - and it has the look of a serious touring machine.

The boys have been seen daily hiking down into their 'space'; in Fernie to work on their summer show set list. Seen on the deck have been steve, Mike, Troy, and Andrew, so it looks like the full 5 piece band will be on tour this summer. Mark is likely working away up in Calgary. His drums will be there when the lights go down I suspect.

Rumours abound that the band will be at the 'Main' and 'The Railway Club' in Vancouver, as well as at two sites in Victoria and one up island in Ladysmith. They'll be opening for David P smith, and the Buttless Chaps on this tour, as well as having a full show or two on their own - a definite step up the ladder in the music business I'd say.

Well, I'll be following in their footsteps as they haul ass down to the coast in the ambulance, and I'll let you know how things turn out as I find out.

Their number one fan signs off for now....

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